Wooden doors, barn doors, anything old is very popular right now. In our kitchen we have two small doors that lead into the pantry. They're your typical home grade panel doors and I was looking for more of an antique farmhouse look.
Here's the materials I used; Power screwdriver to take off the doors and door handles, A regular screwdriver if needed to take and put the hardware back on. Tape measure for applying the stick on wallpaper. Utility knife to trim the excess off the door. Utility Pull door knobs to replace the standard round dummy knobs.
I'm deciding to use this peel and stick wallpaper from Target to adhere to the door. The stick on paper is devine color reclaimed wood.. I purchased 1 roll of it for the 2 doors.
I can't believe the difference this is making to the door already. It's like a real big sticker with the ability to pull up and adjust, so easy to apply.
I found it easier to remove the door, lay it flat down on ground, start from the top and slowly lay it on door and press down. Be careful if you have doors like mine that have the panels. Try not to press the paper into the crevices of the panels. When applying it should just lay over it and you won't even tell there's indentions. If you have to pull up and adjust another thing to watch out for is stretching. The paper will do this after pulling it up many times. It's best to float it then press it down like you would if putting wallpaper on a wall. It can get air bubbles in it, so work those out gently or pull up the paper to readjust it.
I only applied the wallpaper to the front of the door and edges instead of doing both sides. Its really the only side that's seen, so I didn't worry about the back side. Plus I didn't want to buy another roll of paper. Ha!
Since I'm making the doors look farmhouse, the door handles had to match. I found these at Lowes. You can find them here. When I put these in the holes it didn't line up with the original ones so I did have to create new ones. The best thing is the paper covered up the old holes so you won't be able to see them.
Here it is, all complete. Both doors with the faux wood peel and stick wallpaper and the utility door pulls.
This project was simple to do and only took a couple of hours. It made my doors look old and unique. When someone walks into my house they always think its real doors! Your going to love it if you give this DIY a chance.
Let me know if you decide to try it. I can see this on any doors within your home.
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